To Kill A Mockingbird Summary of Chapter 2
by Harper Lee

In the fall Dill goes back to his home in Meridian and Scout is about to begin her first year of school. Scout seems to start out on the wrong foot with her teacher, Miss Fisher. Miss Fisher is bothered that Scout reads so well. Scout explains that she has inadvertently learned from her father, and Miss Fisher requests that Scout's father teach her no more. She believes that children should learn by the school's teaching methods. Scout has also learned writing from their African-American cook, Calpurnia.

Soon after this exchange, Miss Fisher finds that Walter Cunningham has no lunch. She tries to give him money, but he will not accept. Scout tries to explain that the Cunningham's take no charity they cannot return. Scout learned this when her father took a case for the Cunningham's and they had to pay in crops, refusing to accept Atticus' generosity. Scout cannot make this concept clear and gets in more trouble with Miss Fisher.

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