To Kill A Mockingbird Summary of Chapter 14
by Harper Lee

Scout asks what rape is. Atticus asks her where she heard the word and Scout explains about the trip to Cal's church. Alex is shocked to hear that the children were in a black church. She tells Atticus in confidence that they should let Calpurnia go, but he is adamant that she is part of the family and will not be leaving anytime soon.

Jem takes Scout aside that evening and tells her that she should do her best not to upset Aunt Alexandra. Scout believes Jem is trying to act superior and starts a brawl with him. She is sent to her room and thinks she hears a snake under her bed. Upon closer inspection, they realize it is not a snake, but a runaway Dill. He confesses that he doesn't like living at home and took the train to Maycomb. Atticus allows Dill to stay with them, but informs Dill's Aunt Rachel about the situation.

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